(Redirected from PPPPz)

PPPPz - 77772

From jugglingpatterns


Sequence: A starts and has straight passes, B has crossing passes.

A 1|2: P P Z P P
B 1|2:  P P P P Z



Everything said for Parsnip applies here as well.

Collisions seem to most often happen between the throws of jugglers coming from both left hands. This is probably the straight throws going too much inwards or also a timing issue.

If you notice that passes of you or your partner get noticeably worse, go back to parsnip or even the 4 club inverted_parsnip or 5-club 1-count.

Additional Things To Do

  • As usual, do the zip behind the back if you like

Compatible Patterns

You can "promote" the zip in this pattern to higher throw heights in turn for throwing zaps instead of passes. Each of the two jugglers can do any of these compatible patterns. All zapnip-patterns are listed on the page PPPPz-Zapnips

Next Patterns

7-club 1-count

3 Person Patterns
