Oscar 53642
This is a 4 club pattern for which one stands pretty close together, so one can hand over a club to the other person.
The pattern also contains an unusual self-zip, during which one starts holding the club on the fat side, so one can put the handle into the other juggler's hand.
Siteswap: 53642
A 1|1 pass self zip give flip B 1|1 give flip pass self zip
Because the pattern contains 5 different throws on 5 beats and because it contains unusual throws, that one usually doesn't do, the pattern is difficult to learn.
But luckily, there is a magic club on the pass and the other clubs also have separate orbits, so one can
a) do color coding and
b) first start learning the roles of the clubs separately
Practice this separately:
1) the "Golden" Club.
This club is precious, so we never thtow it. It is always just handed over. at one point as a zip, then it is handed over to the other person.
Ond juggler hands over the club straight, the other hands it over diagonally. Then it is zipped to the body, so we can hand over the handle again. If you do everything correctly, you should receive the club back in the same hand with which you handed it over.
2) you can now combine the "golden club" with the pass. The passing club should also get a unique color and it only ever is thrown as a pass.
The pass goes to the hand that gives you the golden club, the golden club goes to the hand throwing the pass. So at that point, the clubs are just switched with each other.