
From jugglingpatterns


a.k.a "what do all the numbers mean".

You have already seen numbers being used to describe the pattern and to create the animation. Feel free to read about theory whenever you get curious about what they mean.

Most patterns can be described best by a juggling math called Siteswap, and from that it is possible to do animations and tell passers what they have to do and how they have to start the pattern. You don't need to know how this works to juggle the patterns, but you will constantly see traces of the theory being used throughout the pages and at some point understanding will be helpful. This is described here:

Zaps and Selfs

This is a good start into patterns with zaps and selfs, because the zip-self can just be substituted with doing nothing:

The next patterns already mix high selfs and low zaps:

Single Passes and Selfs

6 club async patterns

  • colonut ladnen swallow - 726
  • slow async 5c 2-count - 74464

6 club half-Synchronous patterns (right hand of both jugglers throws at the same time), a.k.a "normal passing":

"Jim's" version of those patterns:

Selfs and Double Passes

Heffs in Solo Patterns - 4 club exercises

Recommended solo-patterns before you start:

Heffs in Passing Patterns

Tricks, typically done in 4-count, 3-count, etc.

First patterns with a heff - 5 club why nots

The Why not Family - 6-7 clubs

7 club why nots:

Double Selfs in Solo Patterns // Learning the 5 Ball Cascade

The "normal" 5 club cascade is juggled with double selfs. Usually long before that you learn to juggle 5 balls.

The patterns for practicing double selfs and for preparing you for each 5-object pattern are mostly the same.

Triple Selfs in Solo Patterns

Doubles vs Passes

Here Be Dragons - The Quest for the Holy Grail

A dragon is a double pass followed by a zap. They both arrive at the same hand, the zap first.