8-club 2-count

From jugglingpatterns

Prerequisite Patterns

Pattern Description

This is a two count with usually double passes, i.e. usually both passers are throwing double passes with their right hand and selfs with their left hand. Also possible with triple passes.

This is a half-synchronous pattern, so throws of both passers happen at the same time.

Both jugglers start at the same time, both jugglers throw straight passes.

Because passes are 5p, they are high double passes and the pattern is still faster than most patterns - or they are triple passes and becomes slow, but triple passes are much harder to control.

This is the equivalent of juggling "53" (the 4 object half shower) alone, only the high throws go to the other juggler, who is doing their throws in sync with you.


A2|2 5p 3
B1|2 5p 3

As text:

A2|2 DPass Self
B1|2 DPass Self  

Next Patterns to Try

  • same pattern, but both throw passes from the left hand
  • Obvious site-swap changes to 5p,3:
    • Make it a kind of 3-count by adding a heff: