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Zap-zap-zip Feeds

From jugglingpatterns

Zap-Zap-Zip can be the feeder in several patterns.

We calculated these… and in a blast of inspiration, I named them all Zap-The-<fedee-pattern> as far as that was possible.

Symmetric variants (both feedees have the same pattern)

these are also compatible, so one feedee can do killer bunny/zap-zip-zip/the-real-5c-why-not and the other feedee any of the other patterns. Sorted by increasing fedee difficulty.

The feeder can also add a club and do 558 (zap zap heff) instead of 552 (zap zap zip)

  • Zap-The-Killer-Bunny
  • Zap-The-Lame-Duck
  • Zap-The-Real-5-club-Why-Not

Feedees can also have passes - but this increases difficulty quite a bit because now the clubs of feder and fedee are on the same pathway. I.e. the pattern either has straight zaps vs straight passes or diagonal zaps vs diagonal passes. Probably diagonal makes it easier to avoid collisions, but then the feeder has to do supercross

  • Zap-The-Coconut-Laden-Swallow
  • Zap-The-French-Three-Count

Assymetric Variants (Different Fedee Roles)

Assymetric Variants usually happen by "splitting" a killer bunny (456, flip, zap, self) so that one feedee has more/all selfs and the other has more/all flips. Flip-Flip can as usually be converted to self-zip

  • zap-zap-zip vs zap-self-self and zap-self-zip

one round of killer bunny and one round split roles:

  • zap-zap-zip vs zap-self-self+kb and zap-self-zip+kb