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Quest for the Holy Grail

From jugglingpatterns

Here Be Dragons - The Quest for the Holy Grail

A dragon is a double pass followed by a zap. The zap arrives first, while the unsuspecting juggler is staring at the double pass.

The Quest

On one fine day, you set out on the quest to conquer the Holy Grail. You were fierce of heart and had your stout comerades with you, starting your travels with a clear sky.

Little did you know, that to reach the Holy Grail, you had to defeat, nay, vanquish several dragons.

The first dragon you meet on the road, the baby dragon turns out not to be a dragon at all, after closer inspection:

You notice that, when you first try the tamest real dragon available, which does turn out not to be so tame after all

Slightly tired, you then turn to the next dragon, which turns out to be a dragon fly.

Emboldened , you pick a bigger enemy, which turns out to be the dragon cat

A bit worse for the wear, you turn around and find yourself face-to-face with the Black Beast of AAAARG.

Your helmet dented, your armor is battered, but your spirit is still unbroken and you set out for the holy grail