Revision as of 17:24, 1 November 2023 by Karsten (talk | contribs)

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From jugglingpatterns

The goal of this wiki is to provide a collection of juggling patterns, organized into "learning paths" that contain patterns of increasing difficulty.

Entry points are provided for each type of throw, as each kind of throw needs a different throwing technique.

These entry points are labeled as "Beginning with [...]" and primarily focus on building proficiency with a single throw type before progressing to more complex patterns that incorporate multiple throw types.

Entry Patterns

These patterns are suitable for beginners. It helps a lot if one juggler is more experienced. All patterns only use one throw type (on the beginner side). Note that being suitable for beginners does not in all cases mean that these patterns are easy if you already have experience passing clubs.

"Selfless Passing" (Zips and Passes)


Heffs in Passing Patterns


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