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Breakfast at Tiffany's 56662

From jugglingpatterns

Siteswap: 56662

Animation and diagrams

Color-coding: the zap is magic: use a club of different color for the zap and that club will only do zaps in this pattern.

A begins and throws straight zaps, B throws diagonal zaps.

Exercise Before Simplified Pattern

A has two clubs, B has one club - the zap.

B throws the zap and A reacts with self,self,zap

A 1|0: zap, wait, wait 
B 1|1:    self,   self,    zap

Simplified Pattern

Siteswap: 56464

A 2|1: zap,   hold,    hold,   self,   self
B 1|1:    self,   self,    zap,    hold,   hold

Full Pattern


A 2|1:  zap, 	self,    zip,    self,   self, 
B 1|1:    self,     self,     zap,    self,   zip,

You can combine those in any possible way… mostly do the sequence with holds and do a self-zip only when the pattern feels stable. Or one juggler does the pattern with self-zip and the other with holds.

If you want to make it more difficult, substitute the the holds with active flips

Siteswap: 56464

Animation and diagrams

A 2|1:  zap,     hold,    hold,   self,    self, 
B 1|1:      self,    self,    zap,    hold,    hold,

Extended Pattern with Heffs

Or, to make it yet more difficult, it is also possible to substitute the self,self after an incoming zap with heff,flip: Animation and diagrams

A 2|1:  zap,     self,     zip,     heff,    flip, 
B 1|1:      heff,     flip,     zap, 	self,     zip,

Compatible Patterns