4 club fountain

From jugglingpatterns

This is the 4 object base pattern. Because this is an even number of objects, the pattern is not a cascade, but a "fountain".

Patterns to Do before

  • Two clubs in one hand - try to also get a decent amount of catches on your left hand
  • 441 - should get at least 100 catches of 441


Basically you juggle two objects in each hand. Objects never cross over to the other hand.

With clubs, this is most often thrown with doubles (two turns of the club), although the pattern naturally also works with singles (or flats or triples or whatever spin). As a preparation for heffs in passing patterns, this also has to be practiced with doubles.

Training Advice

I was told to start the pattern from my weak hand (in my case the left hand). Not sure that is really that useful.

Keep in mind that you have all the time in the world to start your first throw low. Start when you have a decent amount of catches for two clubs in one hand as well as for 441. Keep practicing 441 alongside 4 clubs at least until you reach 25-30 catches with your 4 clubs.