5 club 1-count with Doubles (and self-zip Filler)

From jugglingpatterns

General Considerations

This is a good entry pattern because

  • it has only 5 clubs and
  • you can skip doing anything for 4 beats if the double are hard to catch and
  • it has a strong focus on the double passes
  • you can fill the "wait" beats with 2x self-zip or 4x flip when you feel more secure in the pattern
  • there is a progression of follow-up patterns in which you exchange one flip for a a double pass and add one more club

The pattern does become somewhat difficult/is not such a good training pattern, because

  • the double passes trigger each other, so short/bad double passes make your throwing of passes more difficult which can lead to a downward spiral in the quality of the passes
  • multiple flips in a row aren't nice (substitute with self-zip, though)


With Holds

(same pattern with flips

A does crossing double passes, B does straigt double passes.


A 2|1 Dpass wait wait wait wait
B 1|1    wait  wait dpass wait wait

So in the easiest iteration, you do A starts with a crossing double pass and B waits as long as possible to respond with a straight double pass back to A.

With self-zip

There are 4 beats that you do a hold on, so there is time for two self-zip between double passes.

You can start by doing one self-zip in the time between passes to get used to it, then go up to two self-zip.

The selfs are always from the other hand than the last pass was thrown (as they happen one beat after the pass, which is the other hand)

A does crossing double passes, B does straigt double passes.


A 2|1 Dpass self  zip  self  zip
B 1|1     self  zip dpass self zip

B can either wait for the double pass or start with a self-zip from the right hand very shortly after A began

Patterns to do After This

This is a series of patterns with a difficulty progression leading up to the 9 club 1-count by always trading a flip (4) against a double pass and adding in another club until no flips are left and we have 9 clubs.

Difficulty increase between patterns is probably somewhat steep, so there will be other patterns between this one and the next in the series when I find approriate ones.

The next patterns in the series hence habe two double passes:

  • With holds or flips // with self-zip and hold or flip
  • 99444 // 99642
  • 94944 // 96924 // 92942