6-count popcorn (double passes, half syncronous)
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This popcorn is often used as the first popcorn for people to learn, because the passes thrown as doubles mix better with the heffs, that are also doubles.
Pattern Description
A 2|2 and B 1|2: see Pattern Start Notation ;
A and B start at the same time. A starts with the right hand, B starts with a self from the left hand.
A 2|2 4p 3 3 3 4 4 B 1|2 3 4 4 3 3 3
in words: (explanation: dpass=double pass, heff, self)
A 2|2 dpass, self, self, self, heff, heff B 1|2 self, heff, heff, dpass, self, self
As with all Popcorns, "heff, heff" can also be thrown as triple self ("tself") and single self ("self") (juggler A):
A 2|2 dpass, self, self, self, tself, self B 1|2 self, heff, heff, dpass, self, self
Compatible Patterns
- one side can just react with "self, double pass" on the incoming double pass