Inverted Zapnips

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More electricity for your inverted parsnip

Inverted Zapnips: These patterns are b ased on Inverted Parsnip (PZZPZ with 4 clubs)

This page and its patterns are part of the Zapnips type of patterns.

General rule: in any pattern, you can

  • change the sequence "pass,zip" of a either juggler to the sequence "flip,zap"

You can switch between any of these patterns while juggling.

Base Pattern

Just as in the base pattern, A always starts throws straight passes (and now also diagonal zaps) and B throws diagonal passes (and straight zaps).

Patterns to do Before This One

  • Obviously the base pattern, best also with zips behind the back or the like to become quite solid in the sequence
  • at least Zap zap zip, also good to try the zip behind the back.
  • any patterns with a flip, e.g. zap zap flip (but that is too easy), maybe (zap,flip) (which may be too difficult). You maybe want to at least try Killer Bunny, which should be roughly of the same difficulty, but maybe harder because it has 5 clubs.

Switching Patterns

You can switch between any of those patterns.

There is not too much to day here. When you start with the base-pattern, remember which "pass,zip" in the pattern you want to replace with "flip, zap" - this is your start into the new pattern or into throwing a single zap as a trick. Also make sure you can remember the full sequence of throws for after the switch.

FZzPz - 47522

A 1|1: P z F Z z
B 1|1:  Z z P z F

A 1|1 and B 1|1: see Pattern Start Notation ; P=pass ; z=zip ; Z=Zap ; F=full Flip;

FZzPz - 74252

A 1|1: P z z F Z
B 1|1:  F Z P z z

A 1|1 and B 1|1: see Pattern Start Notation ; P=pass ; z=zip ; Z=Zap ; F=full Flip;

ZFZzF - 55244

A 1|1: Z z F Z F 
B 1|1:  Z F Z z F

A 1|1 and B 1|1: see Pattern Start Notation ; z=zip ; Z=Zap ; F=full Flip;