Not Why

From jugglingpatterns

This pattern is very similar to why-not. And of the same general difficulty.

Patterns to do before this one

No particular reson, but everyone showed my why-not first and I did the other patterns of the series much later. Maybe the weird start caused this. So:

Not Why

Sequence: A starts with 4 clubs and has straight passes, B starts with 2 clubs in their right hand and has crossing passes.

Both clubs of B are in the same hand, so that one hand is free for the zip.

A 2|2: P H P Z S 
B 0|2:  Z S P H P




Another start that may be easier if you already know why-not is to start with the sequence of why-not and then switch on the part, where you throw "pass self pass" and throw "pass heff pass" instead. After that, you have only 2 clubs left and if you did other patterns with a zip-self, you will probably do the zip-self automatically at that point.

A can even switch into that Sequence on throw 2 of the start, B has to wait until they reach the "P S P" sequence:

A 2|2:  P H P S Z P H P S Z......
B 2|1:   H Z P H P S Z P H P .......
         ^--- beginning H Z is why-not, then B switches to not why

Other Things to Do

  • You can also switch back and forth between Why-not, Not-why, Jim's 2-couunt etc. during the pattern.
  • Wherever there's a zip in your life, err pattern, it is worth trying to do it behind your back

Next Patterns

Other patterns of the Why-Not Family:

7 club patterns with heffs:

5-count popcorn (async)

Compatible Patterns

4-club patterns - the combined pattern has 5 clubs:

This one has zaps:

6-club patterns:

Jim's 2-count is also a good pattern for one side to juggle if why-not is new for both jugglers

Not Likely has double passes