Oscar-II 53552

From jugglingpatterns

Patterns to do Before this one

I strongly recommend doing Oscar first. Oscar is actually the more complex pattern mixing more different kinds of throws.

The reason to do Oscar first is, that I think the similarities between the two patterns will make it more difficult to learn Oscar after learning this pattern.

Pattern Description

This is a 4 club pattern for which one stands pretty close together, so one can hand over a club to the other person.

In this pattern, the self and flip of "Oscar" are replaced by two passes.

Siteswap: 53552


A 1|1 pass   pass   zip  give  pass
B 1|1    give   pass  pass  pass  zip

Like in Oscar, the club which is handed over is still semi magic (it will always be the same club that is handed around) and can be color-coded:

1) the "Golden" Club (as in Oscar):

This club is precious, so we never throw it. It is always just handed over. at one point as a zip, then it is handed over to the other person.

Ond juggler hands over the club straight, the other hands it over diagonally. Then it is zipped to the body, so we can hand over the handle again. If you do everything correctly, you should receive the club back in the same hand with which you handed it over.

Now, at the point where we would have done a self-zip in Oscar, two passes happen. The juggler doing the zip should start with a pass, which triggers a pass from the partner towards the hand that becomes free through the zip. The two passes create the time to make the zip possible.

Next we hand over the club to the other juggler just like in Oscar.