Parsnip Zapnips

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More electricity for your parsnip

Zapnips: These patterns are based on Parsnip (PPzPz with 5 clubs)

This page and its patterns are part of the Zapnips Family type of patterns and their namesake.

General rule: in any pattern, you can

  • change the sequence "pass,zip" of a either juggler to the sequence "flip,zap"
  • go one step further and change "pass,filp" of either juggler to "self,pass"

You can swap between any of these patterns while juggling.

Base Pattern

The local base pattern sequence of Parsnip for a juggler is PPzPz (Pass, Pass, zip, Pass, zip).

Just as in the base pattern, A always starts throws straight passes (and now also diagonal zaps) and B throws diagonal passes (and straight zaps).


(Flips are thrown as flats in the animation shown here, but are supposed to be [[flip]s, i.e. a fast full turn of the club, this will be fixed at some point in the future. shows flips instead)

Zapnip Patterns

Every combination "pass, zip" can be switched to become "Flip, Zap", leading to these three seqences:

PFZPz - 77425

A 1|2: P F Z P z
B 1|1:  P z P F Z

A 1|2 and B 1|1: see Pattern Start Notation ; P=pass ; z=zip ; Z=Zap ; F=full Flip;

Long form:

A 1|2: Pass  Flip  Zap  Pass  zip
B 1|1:    Pass  zip  Pass  Flip Zap

PPzFz - 74752

A 1|2: P P z F Z
B 1|1:  F Z P P z

A 1|2 and B 1|1: see Pattern Start Notation ; P=pass ; z=zip ; Z=Zap ; F=full Flip;

PFZFZ - Sir Zaphod Flipalot (Jr.) - 57445

A 1|2: P F Z F Z
B 1|1:  F Z P F Z

A 1|2 and B 1|1: see Pattern Start Notation ; P=pass ; z=zip ; Z=Zap ; F=full Flip;

We can also go one step further on the "PPz" part, transforming both Passes into Zaps, the zip becomes a Self.

SZZPz - 56752

A starts with a Zap (although A only has 2 clubs), B follows a bit later with a pass:

A 1|1: Z Z P z S
B 1|2:  P z S Z Z

A 1|1 and B 1|2: see Pattern Start Notation ; P=pass ; z=zip ; Z=Zap ; F=full Flip; S=Self

And this can of course be combined with Flip-Zap on the ramaining Pass-Zip:

SZZFZ - 55564

A 1|1: Z Z F Z S
B 1|2:  F Z S Z Z

A 1|1 and B 1|2: see Pattern Start Notation ; P=pass ; z=zip ; Z=Zap ; F=full Flip; S=Self