Throwing the first double passes - self-pass

From jugglingpatterns

This is compatible with the 6-count popcorn. This is a half-synchronous pattern, in which throws of both jugglers happen exactly at the same time.

If both jugglers do the same, the pattern has 5 clubs.

Juggler A starts with throwing a double pass from their right. Juggler B waits until they have to free the hand and then reacts with self-doublepass.

Note: These sequences have both jugglers throw straigt passes from the right hand only and is a first preparation for the 7 club 2-count. You can also practice only left-handed doubles this way or have one juggler throw diagonal passes and thusly alternate hands.

Pattern sequence:

A: Pass, self, wait, wait, wait, self
B: wait, wait, self, pass, wait, wait

The wait pauses could be done as flips, but can also be filled with self-zip. Juggler B starts at the same time as A with a self from the left hand:

A: Pass, self, zip, self, zip, self
B: self, zip, self, pass, self, zip

Compatible Patterns

If Juggler can throw 6-count popcorn. Here Juggler B throws 6-count popcorn. B starts at the same time as A with a self from their left hand:

A: Pass, self, zip, self, zip, self
B: self, heff, heff, pass, self, self,