2-count 4-count Feed

From jugglingpatterns

This was often the first feed that people learn.

Pre-Requisite Patterns

Pattern Description

There is one juggler A throwing a 2-count (every 2nd throw, i.e. all throws from the right hand are passes) and alternating the passing throws to juggler B and C, who both throw a 4-count (every 4th throw is a pass).

All jugglers can start at the same time (A and B with a pass, C with self, self, pass...) - or A and B start together and C joins in on the second pass thrown from A.

This is a half-synchronous pattern - so the right-hand throws of all jugglers happen at the same time and the left-hand throws of all jugglers also happen at the same time.

In the following description, all jugglers start with two clubs in their right hand and one club in their left hand. Juggler A and B start with a pass to each other. Two throws later, A and C have a pass with each other.

A 2|1   Pb   S   Pc   S   
B 2|1   Pa   S   S    S  
C 2|1   S    S   Pa   S


Next Patterns to Try

2-count 4-count Feed with Walking (Feeder Change)

You can have a feeder change by having one feedee walk over - either at any time or typically after three throws (the scrambled patterns build on walking after 3 passes).

In the beginning, A is the feeder and throws a 2-count, B and C are fedees with a 4-count. Everyone starts with two clubs in the right hand and one club in the left hand.

A throws 3 passes to B, C, B - on the last pass, B starts walking over to the side of A and becomes the new C, i.e. C'. At this point all roles change:

  • A -> B'
  • B -> C'
  • C -> A'

2-count-4-count-feed-walking.svg Sequence as text:

        1       2       3          1       2       3
A 2|1   Pb  S   Pc  S   Pb  S (B') Pa' S   S   S   Pa' S
B 2|1   Pa  S   S   S   Pa  S (C') S   S   Pa' S   S   S
C 2|1   S   S   Pa  S   S   S (A') Pc' S   Pc' S   Pb' S 


In the scrambled manipulator patterns every feeder counts his passes as 1, 2, 3. This helps everyone a lot to know/learn quickly at which point in the pattern they are and in which position.

After the change, the feeder has one more 2-count throw in the role of B' before switching to 4-count. If the feeder loudly counts his passes, this is called the "silent 4", because the feeder of the previous round still has a 2-count and still feels like they are feeding, but really roles have already changed and this is the first pass as B' to the new feeder A'.

Walking Over

For walking you have a choice of collecting the clubs, walk over and start into the new pattern, but it is much cooler to keep juggling a 4-count while walking over.

Whichever method you choose: It is much more important to turn and face the new feeder early than to fully walk to a position next to the feeder of the last round! Never turn your back to the new feeder to walk to the position. You also probably do not need to walk all the way to your envisioned new position. You are three people, you always form a triangle.

Juggling while Walking Over

B starts walking immediately after throwing pass "3", catching the corresponding pass from A while on the way. If done correctly, this feels like "turning around the club of the incoming pass".

Again: remember to turn early! Turning to see your next pass being thrown is more important than walking all the way.