5-count Popcorn
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For me, this is "the popcorn" and all other patterns in the Popcorn Family are derived from it.
Patterns to do before this one
- one-person 4 club fountain ( should get at least 50-80 catches)
- Why Not
- 4-count with 441 instead of 3 selfs
5-count Popcorn
There are two variants of this pattern, one with two heffs in the sequence and one with the heffs exchanged with triple-self, single-self
Sequence: A starts with 4 clubs and has straight passes, B starts with 3 clubs and has crossing passes.
A 2|2: P S S H H B 1|1: H H P S S
This start with 4 clubs for A has the advantage, that A can throw the complete (first half) sequence of the pattern plus one pass before running out of clubs. So if B only catches all passes without throwing to A, A can get used to the new sequence without the stress of having to catch incoming passes.
Version with heffs:
Version with triple,single selfs:
Sequence: A starts with 4 clubs and has straight passes, B starts with 3 clubs and has crossing passes.
A 2|2: P S S T S B 1|1: T S P S S
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Other patterns of the Popcorn Family
Compatible Patterns
5-club patterns: