7566666 pass,self,self,self,zap,self,self

From jugglingpatterns

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One could describe this pattern a 4-count-3-count mix with a zap instead of a pass before the 3-count-ish part.

Pre-requisite Patterns

Pattern Description

A 1|2: pass,    self,   self,   self,   zap,   self, self,
B 1|2:     	zap,    self,   self,   pass,    self,   self,   self

Compatible Patterns

This pattern can also be thrown with two zaps and a heff. That one side can do this easier pattern probably makes this to be a very good entry into combining zaps with heffs:

  • 5566668

of course, additional substitutions on the selfs are also possible:

  • 5588448
  • 55266a8
  • 5588a42