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  • 23:10, 7 March 20255566668 zaps, self, self, heff, zap, self, self (hist | edit) ‎[447 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "← Back to Heffs and Zaps ← This pattern is probably a good entry point to combining zaps and heffs, because it is compatible with 7566666 pass,self,self,self,zap,self,self. Learning the sequence of both is probably not so easy and the cross side of the pattern with a start with two clubs in the left hand, but starting with a pass from the right hand with pass, self, self is pretty unintuitive. {{Template:AnimateSiteswap|778686}}")
  • 22:44, 7 March 2025Heffs and Zaps (hist | edit) ‎[579 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with " * 5566668 zaps, self, self, heff, zap, self, self This pattern is probably a good entry point to combining zaps and heffs, because it is compatible with a similar pattern without a heff Additional substitutions on the selfs, self vs helf, flip are possible to make more difficult compatible patterns: * 5588448 * 55266a8 * 5588a42 Further patterns zaps and heffs, that are not compatible: * The Real 5-club Why-not")
  • 22:28, 7 March 20257566666 pass,self,self,self,zap,self,self (hist | edit) ‎[875 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "← Back to Selfs and Zaps ← One could describe this pattern a 4-count-3-count mix with a zap instead of a pass before the 3-count-ish part. == Pre-requisite Patterns == * Breakfast at Tiffany's 56662 * probably Killer Bunny, just for how securely you can throw zaps, although the pattern is quite different == Pattern Description == {{Template:AnimateSiteswap|7566666}} <pre class="throw-sequence"> A 1|2: pass, self, self, self, zap, self,...")
  • 10:30, 19 February 20257-club PPS (hist | edit) ‎[771 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Patterns to Do Before == See other patterns in Double Passes. Specifically: * 7-club 3-count 966 == Pattern Description == This is a half-synchronous pattern, in which both jugglers throw at the same time. Siteswap: <4p,4p,3><3,3p,4p> <pre class="throw-sequence"> A2|2 4p 3 4p B2|1 3p 4p 3 </pre If both jugglers start with the right hand, both jugglers throw straight double passes and B additionally thows diagonal single passes. If one of t...")
  • 10:46, 7 February 2025PPPPz-Feeds (hist | edit) ‎[2,547 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "PPPPz - 77772 can feed several different period 5 patterns with two passes, essentially all patterns that are compatible with Why Not: <b>4 clubs</b> * Inverted Parsnip * based on this, the Inverted Zapnips <b>6 clubs</b> * Why Not * Jim's 2-count (preferrably with flips for good timing) * Not Why * Not Likely <b>8 clubs</b> * 97978 * 99697 * 99994 * a7797 For all of these, the feeder can either do the role with straight or with crossin...")
  • 10:16, 7 February 2025Throw-sequence: pre (hist | edit) ‎[588 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a page documenting wiki internal thins. Preformatted text using "pre" tags are used to show throw sequences as text, making the pages more weightlight an robust to loss of images. On narrow screens - i.e. mobile devices, the preformatted text gets broken into two lines, making the sequences very hard to read. As a solution, a css class was added to MediaWiki:Common.css that prevents these line breaks. Because not only throw sequences may use "pre" tags...")
  • 10:04, 4 February 2025Simple 3-count Runaround (hist | edit) ‎[2,693 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This 3-juggler pattern is based on a 3-count and has only 7 clubs on 3 people. It is kind of a precursor to manipulator patterns. == Patterns to do before this one == * stable 3 club cascade * 3-count == Simple 3-count Runaround == The base-pattern is a 3-count with only 5 clubs. Only one club is thrown as a pass and should be color-coded (have a club of different color to mark it). Having only 5 clubs means that only one pass is thrown on one...")
  • 16:19, 10 January 2025The long zap-zap-zip 56252 (hist | edit) ‎[1,985 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "← Back to Selfs and Zaps ← Color-coding: the zap is magic: use a club of different color for the zap and that club will only do zaps in this pattern. A begins and throws diagonal zaps, B throws straight zaps. == Exercise Before Pattern == B has two clubs, A has one differently-colored club - the zap. Maybe also do a pre-exercise similar to the one of Breakfast at Tiffany's 56662: Juggler A doesn't really juggle and just throws the first zap to B...")
  • 20:27, 31 December 20244 club fountain (hist | edit) ‎[1,088 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is the 4 object base pattern. Because this is an even number of objects, the pattern is not a cascade, but a "fountain". == Patterns to Do before == * Two clubs in one hand - try to also get a decent amount of catches on your left hand * 441 - should get at least 100 catches of 441 == Pattern == Basically you juggle two objects in each hand. Objects never cross over to the other hand. With clubs, this is most often thrown with doubles (two turns of the c...")
  • 20:12, 31 December 20246-count popcorn (double passes, half syncronous) (hist | edit) ‎[925 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "← Back to Popcorn Family ← This popcorn is often used as the first popcorn for people to learn, because the passes thrown as doubles mix better with the heffs, that are also doubles. == Pattern Description == A 2|2 and B 1|2: see Pattern Start Notation ; A and B start at the same time. A starts with the right hand, B starts with a self from the left hand. <pre> A 2|2 4p 3 3 3 4 4 B 1|2 3 4 4 3 3 3 </pre> in words: (explanation: dpass=double pass...")
  • 18:56, 31 December 20245-count Popcorn (hist | edit) ‎[1,386 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "For me, this is "the popcorn" and all other patterns in the Popcorn Family are derived from it. == Patterns to do before this one == * one-person 4 club fountain ( should get at least 50-80 catches) * Why-not * 4-count with 441 instead of 3 selfs == 5-count Popcorn == There are two variants of this pattern, one with two heffs in the sequence and one with the heffs exchanged with triple-self, single-self Version with heffs: {{Template:AnimateSiteswa...")
  • 18:23, 31 December 2024Zap 2-count (5 clubs) (hist | edit) ‎[1,714 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a half-synchronous pattern, in which the left hand of one juggler does a throw at the same time as the right hand of the other juggler: * both do straight passes * A has 3 clubs and B has 2 clubs * A starts with the right hand Siteswap, longe form: <pre> A (hand): R L R L A (2|1): 2p 3 2p 3 B (hand): 3 2p 3 2p B (1|1): L R L R </pre> Syntax explanation: 2p is a zap (a throw that arrives 2 beats lat...")
  • 16:34, 28 December 2024Flats (hist | edit) ‎[145 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Flats''' are a kind of throw for clubs in which the clubs don't turn but stay in a horizontal orientation for the whole duration of the throw.")
  • 21:53, 27 December 2024French Three Count 786 (hist | edit) ‎[1,900 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with " thumb|upright=1.3|This count is very french… and very three This pattern is period 3 with three different throws. These patterns are usually relatively hard, despite the short period. I think that is because we usually practice doing the same kind of throw in a row and this pattern does not have any of that. == Patterns to do before this one == * 1-person 4 club fountain with doubles * Why Not * Not Why * 5-count popc...")
  • 21:52, 21 December 2024Mini Oscar 23622 (hist | edit) ‎[1,421 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a 3 club pattern for which one stands pretty close together, so one can hand over a club to the other person. The pattern also contains an unusual self-zip, during which one starts holding the club on the fat side, so one can put the handle into the other juggler's hand. Siteswap: 36222 Sequence: <pre> A 1|1 zip self zip give zip B 1|1 give zip zip self zip </pre> There is a magic club on the pass and the other clubs also have separate...")
  • 16:28, 19 December 2024Lame Duck (hist | edit) ‎[650 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|upright The "Lame Duck" is a very simple passing pattern with only three clubs to replace Killer Bunny in patterns with more than two people, e.g. as Zap-The-Lame-Duck. The names stems from the feeling one gets from the pattern in comparison with throwing Killer Bunny (having only 3 clubs and only one zap that really needs to be thrown). Siteswap: 522 <pre> A 1|1 zap zip zip B 0|1 zip zap zip </pre> {{Template:A...")
  • 16:14, 19 December 2024Zap-The-Lame-Duck (hist | edit) ‎[1,441 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a pattern of the Zap-zap-zip Feeds overview page. '''Zap-The-Killer-Lame-Duck''' is a 3-person feed with zap zap zip as Feeder. This is the replacement pattern for feeding two Killer Bunny for the case where there are not two people who can juggle Killer Bunny. == Required Patterns == * zap zap zip (feeder) * Lame Duck (two feedees) == Pattern Description == Juggler A starts with 3 clubs and throws zap zap zip and equ...")
  • 10:58, 18 December 2024Rotating-2-count 4-count Feed (hist | edit) ‎[1,253 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This was often the first feed that people learn. == Pre-Requisite Patterns == * 4-count * 2-count == Pattern Description == This is a half-synchronous pattern - so the right-hand throws of all jugglers happen at the same time and the left-hand throws of all jugglers also happen at the same time. In the following description, all jugglers start with two clubs in their right hand and one club in their left hand. Juggler A and B start with a pass to...")
  • 10:37, 18 December 20242-count 4-count Feed (hist | edit) ‎[3,600 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This was often the first feed that people learn. There is one juggler A throwing a 2-count (every 2nd throw, i.e. all throws from the right hand are passes) and alternating the passing throws to juggler B and C, who both throw a 4-count (every 4th throw is a pass). All jugglers can start at the same time (A and B with a pass, C with self, self, pass...) - or A and B start together and C joins in on the second pass thrown from A. This is a half-synchron...")
  • 09:49, 17 December 2024Siteswap Conversions One Can Do While Juggling (hist | edit) ‎[1,562 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There are several throw combinations that one juggler can switch on their side while for the other juggler nothing changes. These are siteswap operations that only affect throws of one juggler and not those of the other. Those combinations should always work, meaning they are agnostic towards asynchronous/half-synchronous juggling. This only becomes a bit difficult to write up here, because those work with patterns containing passes like 3p and also containing passes li...")
  • 09:26, 17 December 2024Zap-zap-zip Feeds (hist | edit) ‎[1,482 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Zap-Zap-Zip can be the feeder in several patterns. We calculated these… and in a blast of inspiration, I named them all Zap-The-<fedee-pattern> as far as that was possible. # Symmetric variants (both feedees have the same pattern) these are also compatible, so one feedee can do killer bunny/zap-zip-zip/the-real-5c-why-not and the other feedee any of the other patterns. Sorted by increasing fedee difficulty. The feeder can also add a club and do 558 (zap zap...")
  • 21:33, 15 December 2024Causal Diagram (hist | edit) ‎[3,749 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Causal Diagram''': The arrows in this diagram point to the hand/throw that is caused by the object. Like "This throw has to be done so I have a free hand to catch the object". The causal diagram has a direct relation to the siteswap diagram, in which the arrows just represent the siteswap-number: As the arrows always point to the throw that needs to happen for the hand to become free to allow the catch, the number represented by the arrow is the siteswap number m...")
  • 21:14, 15 December 2024Feeding (hist | edit) ‎[210 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Feeding''' means that one juggler is exchanging passes to two other jugglers, while the other two jugglers do not have throws with each other.")
  • 21:13, 15 December 2024Zap-The-Killer-Bunny (hist | edit) ‎[1,872 bytes]Karsten (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Zap-The-Killer-Bunny''' is a 3-person feed of one zap zap zip feeding two Killer Bunny. == Required Patterns == * zap zap zip feeder * Killer Bunny two feedees == Pattern Description == Juggler A starts with 3 clubs and throws zap zap zip and equally distributes the zaps left and right to each juggler (so every other zap goes to the same juggler). B and C both have one club in each hand and start into Killer Bunny by reacting with a...")